Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Lush Rosy Cheeks Fresh Mask

I am a big fan of Lush. They make some really nice products like the Mask of MagnamintyLip Scrubs & Balms and the Comforter Bubble Bar. I have tried almost all of their fresh masks simply because I shop too much there. If you return five empty pots you can get one fresh mask for free. This time around when I was returning my empties I decided to try a recent addition to their fresh masks selection called Rosy Cheeks.

As you can see it's pink. The consistency is rather thick, which means it won't slip and slide all over your face. It dries in about 10-15 minutes completely. Some of the key ingredients are kaolin, calamine powder and rose oil. As with all Lush products it's not tested on animals. The main purpose of this mask is to sooth and calm the skin. I think that it does a pretty good job at that. However, I have hard time understanding how can something be soothing yet so strongly scented. In my opinion the scent is extremely overpowering and it lingers on the skin. Surely it smells like roses but the intensity is way too strong for my liking (and usually I am not too sensitive to scents).

Another aspect worth mentioning is when you rinse this mask off it leaves your skin feeling and looking matte. I think if you have acne prone or oily skin you would love it. For me personally, I would have preferred it to be more hydrating. 

Overall, I think it's an OK mask. It's good for those days when your skin feels a bit meh perhaps due to stress or flying and it needs a bit of soothing and balancing. If you are looking for something that would be calming and hydrating I would instead direct you to my all time favourite Lush fresh mask - Catastrophe Cosmetic

I hope you found this useful. Let me know if you have tried Lush's fresh masks, I'd love to know!

Until next time,

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